Proper nutrition plays an extremely important role in maintaining health, and prevents digestive problems of pets.

A healthy digestive system is essential for proper digestion and absorption of nutrients. Healthy digestion is a kind of protective shield for the whole body of our pet. The digestive system protects the animal’s body from toxins, as it contains 70% of all immune cells from the entire body. Problems with the digestive system manifest themselves in various ways. Diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, or loss of appetite may occur. If these symptoms appear for too long, they can lead to much more serious problems and diseases.

A healthy diet is an essential part of a healthy digestive system. You should choose food tailored to the individual needs of dogs and cats, taking into account their age, breed, health condition and activity. A healthy and gentle diet is useful if your pet suffers from a sensitive gastrointestinal tract or has recently undergone treatment or surgery. If we notice the first signs of digestive problems in our pet, we can help him in several ways:

  1. We introduce an easily digestible diet, i.e. one that will be easy to digest by the pet. Such diet is based on well-balanced, low-fat ingredients.
  • high-quality proteins coming from lean poultry meat or fish. This type of meat is tender and easily digestible;
  • low fat is extremely important in maintaining a healthy and tender diet. If we do not want to burden the digestive system too much, we should reduce the fat content to the necessary minimum;
  • cooked vegetables such as carrots, for example, can be a component of food, as they are easily digestible and enrich the diet with fiber;
  • carbohydrates in the form of cooked rice or groats are a valuable nutrient and source of energy for our pets, while not burdening the digestive system.
  1. We increase the amount of nutrients, i.e. wholesome protein, healthy fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals. However, we do this gradually so as not to additionally stress the digestive system of the animal.
  2. We supplement prebiotics and probiotics, which support the maintenance of healthy bacterial flora in the intestines. This is extremely important in any case of ailment related to vomiting or diarrhea.
  3. We avoid allergens, which is very important for  some pets that may be allergic to individual ingredients, such as cereals or certain proteins. Adapting the diet to the individual needs of the animal always requires consultation with a veterinarian. Detailed research will help eliminate health-threatening substances. Be sure to carefully analyze the composition of the food, especially when our pet does not tolerate particular ingredient. Then it should be completely eliminated from the pet’s diet.


Healthy nutrition is also of great importance in counteracting various diseases. Starting with obesity, which nowadays affects a significant percentage of pets, through heart and even joint diseases. Proper nutrition is also extremely important for the animal’s immune system. Both dogs and cats that are not well nourished and lack vitamins and minerals are at risk of diseases. Regular veterinary check-ups are important to monitor the health of the animal’s digestive system and react quickly to possible problems. Any changes should not be made hastily and without consulting a veterinarian. All actions must be taken after the tests, and most importantly slowly and gradually.

Pets’ behavior is also highly dependent on healthy and proper nutrition. Puppies that lack nutrients or suffer from ailments caused by inadequate nutrition often become apathetic, do not feel like playing and do not want to engage in daily activities. When our dog has suffered from digestive ailments or digestive problems, we must do everything we can to help him rebuild a healthy digestive system. We carefully observe the behavior of our pet and cooperate with the veterinarian, who will certainly advise us on what action plan to follow. A proper diet is therefore essential for the health and well-being of our animal companions. Choosing the right food, taking into account the individual needs of the animal, combined with regular veterinary check-ups, will help maintain a healthy digestive system and well-being and long-lasting health.